find me daNcing in my room. alonE. nO one to watch me. find me moving to musiC hoW it feels right to me. find me juMping up and down. find me moving sustAined. find me in betwEen. but you won't find me - for once the eYes of others fall upon me, my mind drIfts and the movement I once made so freely vanishes into the aiR. perhaps I need to dance alone in a crowded place we shall sEe.
Feb 22, 2025

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dancing, it's where i found my soul bare soles taught me to bare my soul hardwood floors, bouncy, scuffed, sticky floors, fields, pavements, walkways and isles, dancing is my souls style. swift and free, glide, slide, rules must never be applied, dance with me! feel the groove, see what happens when suave and grace are combined, dancefloors i peruse, no awareness of anything that disapproves. on dark days, my soul cries and wants to make waves, turning me like tides and sending me round in strides, my soul finds itself needing to return to the motion of earth, blessing or a curse, missing out on the beat is something i find much worse. one thing must be known, i do this for myself, just my soul on its own, and if you could, don't ask if im any good, you won't get a blank shrug, or a thank you hug, instead you may just get a fist to the mug. rejuvenation in the raves, peace in the positions, ecstacy in extensions, wonder in being wild. ive loved it ever since a child, i hope my souls dancing fever never grows mild. from the dancefloor i hope im never exiled.
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it’s a raw display of the body being overtaken by emotion and passion and sensuality. theres something so personal and vulnerable about dancing on your own, and yet it makes you feel like the ruler of your own world (even if not for long). every time i hear the robyn song dancing on my own i think of the scene in girls when marnie and hannah dance in hannah’s room after she find out her ex was gay. it’s such a perfect scene and a perfect song, and i really feel they both encapsulate the feeling private dance parties evoke for me. it took me longer than it should have to get into it, but now i think i organically feel the need to have a dance party in my room once a week or so. i think this is the way it should be.
Feb 26, 2025
I guess I don't mind dancing with other people in public places, it's fine, not my favorite thing. And I do like impromptu dance parties that happen in kitchens and living rooms and hallways, totally uncool, but full of laughter and life and usually short-lived. But I truly love dancing alone—often with headphones—absolutely rocking out, totally free, not giving a damn, lost in it
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the city moves in paTterns. an unspoken choreography unfolding at every stAtion / every street crossing / every reVolving door. at first glance it is chaos - a flood of bodies surging forWard / retreating / shifting direction with abrupt precIsion. but watch closely and you will see the shapes scribbled by the crowd / the invisible calligraphy traced by hurried footsteps and quiet hesItations. in the metro - the rhythm is unmistAkable. the doors slide open and the wave beGins. a forward motion / urgent but practiced / an unspoken agreement between stranGers. some step aside with the grace of seasoNed performers. letting others pass in seamless succession. others hesitate. caught for a moment between movement and stillness before being pulled into the tide. on escalators - bodies align in a pattern dictated by efficIency. one side still. the other in motion. a moving stairway of impatiEnce and pause. at crossings - the rhythm breaks for a moment. the crowd pooling at the edge of the street like ink waiting to spRead. and then - the light changes and the city exhales. a hundred figUres spill forward. some fast. some slow.
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