i always want to wave through the window at the people in the other train, but never have the courage. we will never see each other again but for now, we are in the tunnels together
hits SO hard.
and I will be real here - I do not mean the subway I mean the TRAIN
nothing like staring out the window on a commuter railroad amongst regular ass suburban commuters
and yeah I’m tearing, I’m leaning on the window and my eyes are wet. hell yes. five stars
name a more electric experience than emerging from the dark black scary underground tunnels of nyc to views of the east river just as the song you were trying to stream without cell service starts bumping in your headphones
i mean this sincerely and not in a mean way - i love going outside and touching grass. even if it is the little grass on the side on the concrete. it makes me realize the plastic brick has no control over my love for the universe