the alarm hums, a quiet nudge, and i already kNow how this goes. the same loop, the same weight pressing dOwn before i’ve even moved. i see it so clearly - the pattern i keep fAlling into. the way it coils around me like sOmething familiar. something almost comforting in its inevitability. i know exactly wHat i need to do to break it. i’ve known for a long time. but time moves slow in the mornings, sTretching out in a way that makes five more minutes feel harmless. just a liTtle longer. just until my thouGhts settle. just until my body fEels light enough to lift. the routine waits for me, mApped out, precise. steps i’ve written down, promises i’ve made to myself. and still, the bEd holds me like a whispered excuse. the world outside keeps turning, peOple slipping into their day with practiced ease, wHile i lay here, caught between knowing and doing.
Feb 22, 2025

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