i am nostalgic for wHen the world had weight. when memories weren’t just saved but heLd. receipts folded like secret letTers / coins scraped together in sweaty palms / counted twice - just enough for ice cream. i miss the peRmanence of ink on paper / the way library books carried the scent of stRangers / the way a handwritten note felt heavier than a hundred unread messages. there was something reAl in the effort. rewinding a cassette to hear your favorite song agAin / flipping through photo albums with smudged fIngerprints / taping concert setlists to bedroom walls - as if pinning the moment in plAce. now things slip through fingers like liGht. tickets are qr codes, letters are piXels, memories exist in the cloud, weightless and waitIng, but never quite ours to hold.
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Feb 22, 2025

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