Pick up the phone and call your friends! They miss the sound of your beautiful voice! They want to laugh with you! They want to share their minor grievances with you! And they want to do it in real time and OUT LOUD!!
sometimes i kinda forget sometimes that phone calls aren't just for family, call your friends! text catch ups suck and it’s so nice to hear the voice of your buddies
It’s so good to call them up and see how they are, or what they’re doing. You don’t even need a reason. You can just call and be like “what’s up” and most of the time they’ll appreciate it!
You’ll laugh! You’ll cry! You’ll reflect on our shared responsibility to rise up against creeping fascism! The ending (no spoilers) is surprisingly moving if you can still open your heart to the kind of earnestness you can only have about the American Experiment if you’re Joel McCrea in 1940.