Hear me out. Recently I went down the rabbit hole that is 70s softcore porno musicals and listen, I'm obsessed. Cinderella from 1977 is one of my favorites cause there is so much to unpack. One, it's a musical, and who doesn't love a campy musical? Two, the evil step-sister's makeup is insane, like I'm talking 70s drag levels of makeup. Three, Cinderella has a "snapping pussy", now I'm not fully sure what that means but I know she's good at fucking from the sound of it. Also, the stereotypical sassy black gay guy makes an appearance as the fairy godmother (Sorry Billy Porter). Like is the film SEVERALLY dated? yes. But is it a good time if? Yes. I suggest you play a drinking game where every time a random sexual encounter happens you take a shot. (also sorry dick lovers, no dick is visible in this film)