Where have I been?! This is the BEST movie I’ve seen in a long time. The tone is so nuanced, and the careful choices, excellent writing and great performances make this feel like a movie that could have been made yesterday. Sadly, the story feels too relevant today (the world slips into chaos and the internet’s our cabaret!). Liza Minnelli is positively DAZZLING. Okay, I get it now!!
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Feb 23, 2025

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Without a doubt, one if not the best American movie musicals of all time. Directed by Bob Fosse, I once heard someone call it “The American Version of 8 1/2” which makes so much sense. Roy Schneider plays an avatar-esque version of Bob Fosse - the film being a mirror into Fosse’s life as a choreographer. Of course, the choreography in this film is on point and so is the music (its not overly showtime-y which I love) The final number in this movie is one of my favorite movie endings of all time. Highly highly recommend it.
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Hear me out. Recently I went down the rabbit hole that is 70s softcore porno musicals and listen, I'm obsessed. Cinderella from 1977 is one of my favorites cause there is so much to unpack. One, it's a musical, and who doesn't love a campy musical? Two, the evil step-sister's makeup is insane, like I'm talking 70s drag levels of makeup. Three, Cinderella has a "snapping pussy", now I'm not fully sure what that means but I know she's good at fucking from the sound of it. Also, the stereotypical sassy black gay guy makes an appearance as the fairy godmother (Sorry Billy Porter). Like is the film SEVERALLY dated? yes. But is it a good time if? Yes. I suggest you play a drinking game where every time a random sexual encounter happens you take a shot. (also sorry dick lovers, no dick is visible in this film)
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Here’s the thing. This movie is perfect. it’s obsession in a time capsule. I’m on a lil cocaine talking to my partner about how much we both love it and i was like “dude I feel like bob fosse is rolling in his grave about the ariana grande video” and he said, “I actually feel like he is very at peace in his grave” and honestly after seeing his directorial collection, he’s right. That man had restless leg syndrome to its fatal conclusion. Very cool and very sweet though. Everything old is new again!
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Top Recs from @banana-KO

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I get that these are wasteful- I’ll commit to finding a more sustainable solution! In the meantime, I’ve discovered that these li‘l hot pockets are AMAZING for cold-climate dwellers. I’ve just come off my second winter camping trip, and after sleeping outside in negative temps, embracing BIG HANDWARMER® has really changed the game for me. They work. They make cold fingers (and toes) HOT. They can save you from frostbite and even keep you alive, maybe.
Feb 23, 2025