I go to this little bookstore downtown and look for architectural photography books that I buy for like 7 bucks so I can recreate them in minecraft Rn I'm SO into 70's mcm Japanese bungalows and Brutalist design
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Feb 23, 2025

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Ok, this is a more obscure rec but bear with me. I recently started spending weekend days strolling into a new used book store in the Lower East Side called Sweet Pickle Books. The store has become a comforting place to make a quick cheap purchase for me, and also my go-to store for presents. Every time I go in there I find myself picking up books with the coolest names or covers and just buying them hoping I’ll like them. I’m currently reading J.G. Ballard’s Super-Cannes which I probably would have never even known about had I not stumbled upon it and thought the cover looked cool. I suggest this method for branching out from your usual genres or authors.
Mar 16, 2021
i'm buying books for a store i'm opening in lisbon and wow there are so many cool books ! p.s. if you've written a book/made a zine/etc hmu :)
Mar 9, 2024
check out some of their books! always super fun concepts, usually puzzles or more abstract things that surround things like old bookstores or underground farmer’s markets
May 8, 2024

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Now drink 5 glasses of vodka, and the wall moves on its own!
Mar 2, 2025
Decomposition is the bridge between life and death, the little bit of tape that makes it the *circle* of life, non-linear. I'm OBSESSED lately. When we die, it's the natural process that fungi, bacteria, and other microbes ultimately consume our physical bodies. I believe that as our brains, our nerves, neurons, etc are consumed, little bits of our pysche are being digested as well. Our conscioussness, little by little, becomes one with the mycelial network (a.k.a the "Wood Wide Web"), the soil. And maybe, through the food chain, as bits of our memories travel through the soil, to the grass, to the deer, to the lion, even to other humans—we are kind of reincarnated, in a way. Maybe, when I eat fries made from a potato that was grown from soil that carries the soul of a rabbit, I will catch a fraction of one of its memories: The softness of its mother's fur, the smell of the soil in its burrow, the shape of a shadow in the grass on a particular day. Maybe I'll look at a tree one day, and the shadow it casts on the grass will look strangely familiar, but I won't remember where it came from.
16h ago
Uuuuuuaaaauughhhhgsgsh life is beautiful death is beautiful and slime mold can DESIGN EFFICIENT TRANSPORT SYSTEMS!!! It also seems to SEE, FEEL, and THINK WITHOUT A BRAIN, EYES, or CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM!!! A Fungus and an algae can COMBINE in SYMBIOSIS to make an ENTIRELY NEW ORGANISM called LICHEN!!! And psilochbin, when ingested, can produce feelings of CONNECTEDNESS, which relates strongly to fungi's NATURAL ROLE in its ecosystem (that being connecting the forest through the Wood Wide Web and feeding its creatures), almost like WE'RE EXPERIENCING A BIT OF THE MUSHROOM'S OWN LIFE EXPERIENCE
15h ago