a couple months ago, i had just seen sophie thatcher in heretic and i thought she was so great! i looked her up, watched some interviews, listened to her music (ive posted about it on here also) found out she has a twin sister thats also great (none of this is relevant as to why you should watch companion i just wanted to share), so its no surprise that when i saw the trailer for companion i knew i had to watch it. i kept seeing the trailers everywhere and sadly - in order to get people to be more interested in the movie - they revealed a part of the plot i wouldve preferred to learn about while watching the movie. the trailer ive linked is one of the earlier ones that does not reveal that part of the plot (but if you watch that one and still arent interested maybe this one will change your mind (that one does reveal but i promise the movie is still enjoyable if you know about the twist (its revealed early on (parentheses inception)))). i have rambled on way too much and for that i apologize. uhhhh just go watch the movie. i watched it for the first time last night and it was so great i watched it again just now. i hope you are well, friend.
Feb 24, 2025

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Saw this movie in a packed theater on Valentine's Day weekend. Everyone was having so much fun. Thoroughly enjoyable movie. I just wished that they had pushed it a little bit harder and played it a bit more ambiguously!
Feb 24, 2025

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*Some thematic spoilers maybe? Beware* Still working out all my thoughts about this movie, it's kinda stream of consciousness atm but wow... All the magic and horror that comes out of media consumption amongst queer teenage suburban isolation... the simultaneous connection and disconnection from others through it. It also explores neurodivergence, queerness, asexuality, gender identity expression and repression, depression and sometimes suicide (ideation and attempts) amongst the backdrop of media consumption. It's all connected. Media as a portal to other worlds, a portal to other selves, a portal to a place where other people understand and you are empowered and you belong. Blurring the lines between the physical self and a digital projection of a desired self, and the euphoria and horrors that come along with that. All things I heavily relate to. This is very much a movie for Millennials, Gen Z and Gen A in the best ways possible. I think specifically for teens at the moment but also people who were teens not long ago. I wish this movie was there for me 10 years ago. I won't lie, there are a lot of corny moments as well and some over-use of visuals, but the messages override it all for sure. It's also important to note that the director Jane Schoenbrun is trans and goes by they/them pronouns. Being non-binary myself (among pretty much everything else I mentioned in the 2nd paragraph), this movie made me feel seen and understood. The music was amazing too!!! Alex G never misses!!! I loved the covers of Anthems and Tonight, Tonight, the fact that they're recent covers really brings us back to the present with a reflection of the past. Last thing I will say is I wrote a bit about Digital Doubles and Doppelgängers in my Communications program and now really want to explore that again because of this movie.
May 18, 2024
Just another person telling you to go watch this film. I finally saw it a week ago and haven’t stopped thinking about it since. It’s an incredibly beautiful and visceral film from top to bottom.
Feb 2, 2024

Top Recs from @goobygoobguy

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kevin atwater released his debut album last night and i couldn't be more enthused. beautiful guitar driven songs and immersive storytelling. i have cried so much today. i don't think i've ever related to a song in this way, let alone a whole album. the turmoil of the gay experience is so viscerally portrayed. listen to this album and catch him on his upcoming tour if you can. i hope you are well, friend.