You have to just commit to it getting done. Don't have any doubt in your mind that it will be done or else your brain will find any reason not to do it. It will get done, it's just a matter of when, so why not start now? Same amount of effort regardless, so just do it now. That and imagining Mike Ermentrout telling me, "So this is what's gonna happen..."
Hard work and discipline pays off! Man if you got anything that you want to go for…be all in! If you stay consistent at some point it will pay off^^
it sounds basic but it’s true man
+ ah and manifest that shit… which doesn’t mean that you can write it down and not actually work for it no… manifest what you want and then go do the work for it otherwise all that manifesting etc is for nothing.
Your subconscious has to actually believe in it more than you might think🏃🏾
A job, a crush, a hobby, and ex, a friend, a hyperfixation. Who cares, just LOCK IN. Commit to something and spend at least a day focused on and grinding like a boss. Even if you don’t complete anything will feel good
Ethel Cain has a few videos on her youtube channel where she talks to the camera for a while and they're the most thought provoking and deranged rants that you can imagine