i have recently started reading this poetry book by mary oliver and it is sososo beautiful <3 it makes me appreciate life and nature more. the loveliest thing about poetry books is that you don't need to worry about forgetting where you left off!! you can read a few entries and call it a day, and then just pick it back up again when you feel like it!! one of the poems i love rn: On Meditating, Sort Of – Mary Oliver Meditation, so I’ve heard, is best accomplished if you entertain a certain strict posture. Frankly, I prefer just to lounge under a tree. So why should I think I could ever be successful? Some days I fall asleep, or land in that even better place — half-asleep — where the world, spring, summer, autumn, winter — flies through my mind in its hardy ascent and its uncompromising descent. So I just lie like that, while distance and time reveal their true attitudes: they never heard of me, and never will, or ever need to. Of course I wake up finally thinking, how wonderful to be who I am, made out of earth and water, my own thoughts, my own fingerprints — all that glorious, temporary stuff.
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Feb 24, 2025

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the best thing about poetry is that every word has meaning
Feb 24, 2025
Mary Oliver is goated
Feb 24, 2025
wild geese heals me
Feb 24, 2025
lilalilalila it's so beautiful <33
Feb 24, 2025
myeu4ia yes ☺️☺️
Feb 24, 2025

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But don’t just buy them the book. Sit with them and read them a poem out loud. Find which poems move you and talk about why. Fall in love with the words and each other. THE STORM Now through the white orchard my little dog romps, breaking the new snow with wild feet. Running here running there, excited, hardly able to stop, he leaps, he spins until the white snow is written upon in large, exuberant letters, a long sentence, expressing the pleasures of the body in this world. Oh, I could not have said it better myself.
Nov 30, 2024
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Enjoy this lovely poem. to me it connected to the feeling of loneliness and belonging alongside the burden of “goodness” and “purity” in which humans feel a constant need to uphold. It spoke to my queerness not only in regards to sexuality but who I am as a person beyond that. A poem on not just self acceptance but bringing ourselves back to our roots, too nature and love and to be free from humanity’s disconnection and dependancy for shame. That we do belong, on this earth and with this nature, with our bodies and with others. I do not have to be “good” Let the soft animal of my body loves what it loves I have been playing these words for months now, seemingly forgetting and re remembering them often. this poem is an important reminder for me to not overthink the things I love, do not restrict or distance myself from them. but instead to let myself be comfortable with the softest and kindest part of me, love unashamed. focus on the words “let” because it is one thing to be full of love but it is another to allow yourself to feel all of that Love.
Oct 20, 2024

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it's my 2nd day being here on pi.fyi and i really adore the whole concept of just sharing our interests without feeling the need to receive any online validation or perform. the people here are so inclusive and nice T-T i also like how i don't get the urge to endlessly scroll, as there's no algorithm driving the platform.
Dec 28, 2024