i love being alone. i know who i am when i'm alone and i love myself when i'm alone. when i'm around people it's easy to forget and i get lost and aimless. how do you share parts of yourself without feeling overexposed? even just sharing creative work makes me feel like it's not mine any more and makes me doubt the part of myself that went into making it. but i also feel so stagnant when i'm not putting anything out into the world. where is the balance? how do you deal with this?
Feb 24, 2025

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I'm still trying to find the balance with my absolute love and comfortableness being alone but also feeling deep loneliness.
Feb 28, 2025
I’ve found that so many of the most memorable moments of my life have happened alone or they‘re isolated connections/visions/dreams that I’ve had that won’t make sense to anyone else. Sharing parts of yourself, especially creative work, is a ritual sacrifice, albeit a necessary one in order to maintain the balance of things. The artist must bare everything, soul and all, and basically becomes a sacrificial lamb, regardless of how well you guard it. It’s not an easy thing to do, but it can be done with lots of practice and patience, I’ve still got a long way to go myself. It also really helps to find the RIGHT people to open yourself up to, this is a major dilemma I had for a long time, but eventually everything falls into place. There’s a balance to be had with being comfortable alone and being comfortable around other people, but the right people. I hope this makes sense and I’m not just rambling on here.
Feb 24, 2025
i only feel like myself when I'm alone bcs when I'm being perceived by other people i start acting unlike myself or i freeze up :( i don't know how to be myself. Hermit life is the only life that seems to suit me. But it feels so lonely, giving up the chance of real connection because i am too scared to be me, or don't know how to be me. Hiding myself, what i think, what i do or want to do, because i am afraid and I hate being dishonest.
Feb 24, 2025
sometimes a work of art no longer becomes just ours when we put it out into the world. but that can be a wonderful thing! though we may feel we know ourselves entirely, there are things we just can't know about ourselves until we are in the company of others. maybe it just comes down to finding a group of people you trust and feel comfortable around and sharing your art there.
Feb 24, 2025
I can definitely relate and for me the actual feeling of loneliness is present when around other people; it’s different from solitude where you’re free from other influences and the perceptions and judgments of others. I think you have to be able to recognize that people are projecting onto you or flattening you and learn when to tune out. I think finding the right audience is also very important… Every single part of myself that I put out into the world is a humiliation and I don’t think that will ever change. If I give it any amount of thought it becomes too much to bear so I don’t indulge in it. I think self-consciousness can go hand in hand with intellectualizing and analysis paralysis rather than just feeling and trusting and intuiting and I think that’s the kind of vibe that you have to connect with…
Feb 24, 2025

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i see solitude as metamorphosis. you need that time in the cocoon to really check in with yourself and the joy of that comes from how you'll gain a deeper understanding of yourself. sometimes i spend SO much time with myself that i get SO BORED that I HAVE to venture outside of myself. when i say venture, i mean challenging myself in how i self- express which will in turn, nourish my interactions with others when i choose to seek company. proceeding to create art, but trying new methods. going down youtube rabbit holes of things i am interested in so i can discover new references. cooking a meal without following a recipe and surprising myself. making the space i am in super cosy (candles, snacks on deck, music, blankets) going on long walks and picking up conversations with strangers through shared observations of life around us. watching music festivals/boiler rooms and dancing around my room like a mad man. once you feel comfortable in being by yourself, you'll be more aware of what you need from your company and when you seek it, you'll be a lot more intentional about it and cherish it even more.
Oct 7, 2024
A little personal, but being non-binary, I grew up very dissociated from my body and my time, so I don’t remember a good chunk of my formative years and have retained none of my hobbies. Recently tho, I have been trying to piece myself back together, so I have been spending a lot of time on my own. Another thing about me is that I have crushes everywhere I go, so I spend a lot of time loving others. After breaking-up with an ex that made me feel very neglected qnd unappreciated, I decided that I was going to give myself as much love and attention as I give my crushes and lovers. This has changed me. I just let myself feel my feelings and get carried away by them. I get myself little treats and flowers, I get myself little treats and gifts. I organize little fun dates/plans for myself where I engage in new hobbies. Small manageable things that don’t feel too overwhelming to learn, like decorating Altoids tins with collage or journaling. By letting myself navigate the world through my feelings, I’ve discovered what I like, dislike, and developed little rituals and habits that I can then tell other about and share. Social media has helped me that way, surprisingly. I treat my instagram like a scrap book and use it to document my feelings with shitposts and photos; the visual story telling makes me appreciate the little things. Pinterest allows me to collect things I like and develop a taste with no effort and no consequences, and I end up with huge pin boards full of pictures and art I love and that make me feel particular things I can name and explore. This app has been good for that too. It takes time, love, self-compassion, and trust. Trust that the love others give you is legitimate. Trust that you are liked for a genuine reason. Trust that the mundane is magical by itself, love it for that. Trust that you don’t need to be special to be worthy of love, you can just be a person and that’s really cool <3
Mar 11, 2024
always appreciate a body double / accountability partner / experience share-r but learning to be "on" for myself and when someone else isn't there to do [x] with me is so liberating. i've started / finished so many more projects, it's incredible "shower thoughts" time to grab a coffee solo, and being with other people is more enjoyable because doesn't have to be our "us-time" and my "me-time"
Jan 16, 2025

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insane that you can literally drive a horse like a car? who even thought of that? why are the horses ok with this? crazy
Feb 25, 2025
my university has a whole science complex with labs and a skybridge and everything and i love speculating on what it all means. plus a little paranoia and some good music makes it feel like you’re in a movie and people are coming at any minute to catch you
Feb 27, 2025