I was riding my bike to work in the rain, when I was crossing the bridge it was slick and my knee went right into the grates. I got to work, wrapped it with a clean rag, and opened up shop. After an hour or so, once I was finished, I checked and the blood had soaked through. Hmm, that doesn’t seem good. I went on my smoke break and was chatting with a courier about it, worrying if my bike was damaged. He took one look at my knee and said, “fuck your shitty ass bike, you need to go to a hospital!” So I went and got my first and only stitches. The nurse got annoyed with me because I was very interested in the whole process and probably was all up in her space. I now have two little arrows on me knee pointing 🆙
Feb 24, 2025

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i fell down the other day and i grazed my knee. i kind of like it. it reminds me of all the times i did it as a kid, when my body was built to fight the germs. it would just end up being that ugly scab i showed off in sports class at school. it’d itch and i‘d be told that was a good sign, that it was healing under this layer of chaos. i feel like there is some philosophy you could add to that, but i dunno. i just hope it doesn’t get infected
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