Reminder that most of what we do is a performance
Feb 24, 2025

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I stay true to myself at work… like a Tim Robinson character.
Feb 25, 2025
nirad eating a hot dog up your sleeve at home too, respect
Feb 25, 2025
when i’m at my most vulnerable 💔
Feb 25, 2025
i once dated an ecuadorean guy (we both spoke spanish) who worked as an english interpreter and the first time i heard his english work voice it was traumatising like i did not know that man was inside you santiago who are you
Feb 25, 2025
babita la doble vida!
Feb 25, 2025
Shadowbeni que miedo!!
Feb 25, 2025
life is my stage & my work voice is my costume
Feb 25, 2025
due to the fact that I can’t stand the thought of this I have resulted to either never changing my voice and speaking how I normally do, or simply hiring/tagging somebody in to perform on my behalf. I refuse to live within the code switch system! (I also just suck at it)
Feb 24, 2025
Feb 24, 2025
My boss’ tween daughter once heard me on the phone and when I hung up she said: So that’s what’s like being and adult? When I asked what she meant, she replied: Being fake. That’s not how you talk.
Feb 24, 2025
I’m so baffled by work culture like everyone is being fake and knows that everyone else is being fake and neither person enjoys being fake or particularly wants to be around another fake person so why does nobody stop???
Feb 24, 2025
imkhushi Cause then if any party involved stops being fake, the gestapo (HR) gets involved and puts a black bag over ya head and you never come back.
Feb 24, 2025
Greenelysium oh right sorry
Feb 24, 2025
I work with children so it would just be me screaming at the top of my lungs and talking like a sportscaster to get over their volume. A lot of my friends work desk jobs or quite voice jobs but I think they would be surprised how much of the day I’m literally yelling
Feb 24, 2025
I got that sorry to bother you corporate hr high pitch voice on the phone, and then when I hang up I just retreat back into a lower baritone lightskin voice with a Michael Keaton cadence.
Feb 24, 2025

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I don't think a lot of people consider their speaking voice on a regular basis, but how we carry our vocal chords (pitch, amount of vocal fry, placement, etc) is just as much a self expression as the clothes we wear. People assume so many things about you based on your voice, and they change over time. Before a big meeting or a social engagement or just as a morning routine, consider starting your day with some light vocal exercises to make you sound confident & clear. turns out, ppl will want to listen to you more!!!
Jun 13, 2024
I started doing this when I was a performing musician and found it was the best way to fix technique, but it is super helpful generally for fixing whatever material you have to present in front of people: presentations, speeches, intro statements, things like that. Set up your phone for video or just audio, do your thing, watch it back, note every time you look or sound insane, fix it, film it over again. It’s based on the heuristic that our critical mechanism is by nature more developed than our creative mechanism, so it is much easier to respond to an existing thing than to conjure something out of nothing inside your mind. I know it is cringe, but avoid at your own social peril.
Feb 5, 2024

Top Recs from @Shadowbeni

recommendation image
a study issued last month found that dancing is the most effective way of treating and mitigating depression. Walking, therapy, and yoga also outpaced SSRIs. and if you're saying 'oh this was probably funded by Big Dance', there's no evidence of that and if you're saying 'that's just what a Big Dance shill would say', well honey you're right
Mar 4, 2024
Happy birthday! You have a great batch of years ahead of you, the best yet. I'm biased, but it's been my favorite decade so far (every year is better than the last, the idea of "peaking" is for chumps). Some thoughts! Group trips - when you say "we should go to X someday," or "we should rent a house" "we should do a day trip to this cool thing or this sculpture garden" actually do it. Blow up the group text, have everyone agree on a day or week or a weekend and make it happen. People will start thinking about "settling down" and "having families" which makes everything that much harder to plan (depending on who your friends are -- I have friends with kids who still do it all). But do those trips, because they're really fun. Cooking - get some nice staple kitchen stuff and start cooking. Cook for yourself, for dates, for friends, cook together. It's ok to let go - Don't burn bridges if it's not toxic, but it's ok to let friendships fade if you've outgrown them and it's ok to recognize them for what they are. Sometimes you will grow together and sometimes you will grow apart. It's alright to let someone become an acquaintance. It can also be very hard to accept, but know that whatever you feel, it's ok. Old friends - some people have known me through so many different phases of my life. Cherish those old friendships, and make the effort to deepen them. Keep doing those long phone calls, take a weekend to spend together, travel to see a concert together, be there for birthdays and other life events. Those relationships are really special. Same goes for family if that's possible. Stay curious - you're on this app, so you're already curious. Keep reading, watching, hobbymaxxing. Keep trying things on and checking things out to see if you like them. Learn new stuff. That's not just for your thirties, that's for life. Stretch and take care of your body - it’s your precious vessel. That's also for life.
Jun 6, 2024