Related Recs

one of the worst features of many social media apps i think is the ability to see like/follow counts, because even if you donā€™t care about it itā€™s still kind of shoved in your face on those apps and definitely in the dominant/popular culture thereā€™s this perception of follows/likes are an achievement of some kind. i really like that beyond the straightforward trending users/recs feature (which rotates pretty regularly, plus i think it still captures the fun of being like ā€œhell yeah this post is a bangerā€), there isnā€™t any way to tell what or who is ā€œpopularā€ or ā€œsuccessfulā€ or whatever else on this app, nor any incentive to try to be those things as a user in general i just think it leads to more natural and genuine interactions between users, because the only thing we can see about each other is our little bios, mutuals, and our recs which are the whole point of being on here anyway! so thank you to the people making this app for making that kind of space through features like this!!
Sep 9, 2024
I like this app because I can actually post what I want. I don't feel the need to rewrite my posts 200 times, or edit pictures. Hate comments are a thing of the past. I don't sit there looking at how many likes my posts are getting, and I no longer check to see how many followers I have consistently. I can simply post what I enjoy and find people who have common interests. I love it.
Jan 31, 2025
1. I love that you canā€™t see how many followers people have. 2. I love that your profile has 1 picture and that this app is about WORDS and not photos. I think itā€™s cool that I dontā€™t really know what people posting look like, besides the one angle in their profile pic. (Assuming I donā€™t go stalk them on insta) (guilty!!!) 3. I feel like the recs really are staying as recs and not just all becoming tweets. Thatā€™s cool.
Feb 16, 2024

Top Recs from @andresfranco

so it's basically just like a regular book club but with movies you watch every sunday. ideally they would be what most cinephiles consider the "classics" but i'd be open to hear out any other kind of movie too! let me know. btw, totally stole this from greta gerwig as she said she would do this with the barbie cast and crew while filming so shoutout to her!