oh boy this one is gonna be controversial. first off to be transparent I am a huge nerd and train models for a living. that being said, I was a huge ai hater for a long time and never used it in anything I did. Then, I started using it a bit for coding, then for research (tool use ftw), then for a whole bunch of simple tasks I wanted to automate but couldnā€™t w pure code (either due to needing unpredictable input or needing buttons pushed). Is it super useful, not yet. Should we replace people with it, obviously not. But like dude. You can TALK to your computer in ENGLISH (or french, arabic, japanese, etc.) and it will understand you and respond. I think the like crazy shift in human - computer interaction here is kinda slept on ngl, I fw this heavy now.
Feb 24, 2025

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In my life I have absolutely no use for it but I imagine it would be so exciting if I did so I understand you! Also I feel like this is ultimately what weā€™ve always dreamed of computers being and now itā€™s here everyoneā€™s being such a baby about it. Like ok donā€™t use it but donā€™t pretend it isnā€™t sick as hell that we have the option lol
Feb 25, 2025
soft yes this exactly! like a keyboard an mouse and a badly designed app is not the way the internet should be experienced, I want to talk to it and for it to understand what I mean even when I donā€™t
Feb 25, 2025
i think there are two discussions, the usefulness of ai and the Philosophical Debate of are we letting the computers get away with too much (your scientists were so preoccupied with whether they could, they didn't stop to think if they should, etc) that being said! it is very useful for coding, instead of having to read a buncha stack overflow mumbo jumbo it's like there is a little person in your computer who speaks normally and can teach u to code but idk if the usefulness of it outweights the "well if we're just gonna automate everything and let the computers live our lives why are we even here on god's green earth" What A Time To Be Alive
Feb 24, 2025
winton You can still swim in rivers, make love, eat cherry pies, have dreams and visions. The computers arenā€™t taking away anything you actually enjoy doing itā€™s ok.
Feb 25, 2025
Ok to clarify a bit, I think people hate the corporateness of AI, not AI itself. There is a lot of cool things you can do with AI and I think it also sucks in a lot of places, but I do think the absolute disdain for it is a little misplaced (this is solely related to text, I donā€™t have opinions on image AI)
Feb 24, 2025
šŸ—£ļø HELL NAH
Feb 24, 2025
boo boooo tomato !!! šŸ…šŸ…šŸ… (no but actually, i donā€™t think any amount of talking to AI could ever come close to a meaningful conversation with a real life person, especially w/ someone youā€™ve just met) maybe itā€™s bc iā€™m not a computer person but i donā€™t see it ever serving me any purpose. what good could talking to a computer ever bring? (again, no disrespect)
Feb 24, 2025
andresfranco i mean this more in a sense of, we use computers every day to do tons of things. ai lets you do all those things through your language instead of having to know how to code/using some shitty website that doesnā€™t work.
Feb 24, 2025

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I donā€™t hate it. It helps me. I am actually thankful for it. I have seen a lot of ā€˜whatā€™s hotā€™ posts here bashing on ChatGPT. But hereā€™s my experience. I have dyslexia, which is why a lot of my posts have gramma issues/spelling mistakes (and why I edit my posts so much). I canā€™t pick them alone. ChatGPT corrects that for me. I like to write stories, it is a big hobby of mine. And I need to write professional emails for work. It helps me where I cannot help myself. I need to write a resume but I canā€™t read/process the job description/requirements properly? I copy and paste the information into ChatGPT and ask it to highlight what is important. Work requires me to read lengthy documents? I can read until I get stuck and AI will help me. I need to do research for university? I canā€™t digest all the information and pages that load on my topic of interest, so I will ask ChatGPT to recommend me specific articles to read based on what I need. Of course I try and do as much as I can independently, but extra help thatā€™s free never hurts. A lot of people are hating on AI, but it helps people, despite the greater population abusing it.
Jan 28, 2025
I know people are going to be using it a lot maybe for dumb menial stuff, but I have not had a moment where it felt compellingly as though it was going to ā€œtake overā€. Everybody Iā€™ve seen who has made that argument is somehow relying on it to be true, so I canā€™t trust them. I immediately judge anybody who tells me they use chatGPT for something related to their work. And I donā€™t think Iā€™m being unfair. At best, something like chatGPT is a tool that people can use for brainstorming, but directly using chatGPT output is just pathetic to me. I dunno.
Jan 2, 2025
Sometimes I recommend being a hater. Iā€™m not here to talk about the numerous quality uses of AI, how often it is actually used nor am I here to critique AI without strawmanning it. I donā€™t care if I strawman an account of AI because I genuinely despise the way most people use AI. I think AI generated images are ugly. I think that AI cannot hold a half decent conversation. Iā€™m completely avoidant when it comes to showing AI my writing; Iā€™ve never done it and I refuse to. I hate when you go to that one poetry website and there is AI ā€œanalysisā€ there, because its not real textual analysis and it upholds a certain contextualised intentionalist framework of reading a text reinforced in high school English. I hate that the meta AI will influence what products will be advertised to you. I donā€™t care if itā€™s the future. I genuinely love being called a dinosaur because I hate AI.
Sep 24, 2024

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