not sure if this has been mentioned but on android app, the scrolling/dragging feels a bit weird - felt it the most when I was filling my profile and scrolling back up to the top to save, the page thought I was dragging and refreshed away my edits and I repeated this 4 times :,) (maybe just move the save button to the bottom?)
Navigating forward/backward didn't lose place in the feed/page. This also shows up when I click the link to show the rest of the comments/recommendations, it reloads the page and I have to scroll back to the bottom.
No idea if this is relevant to the app, I'm only on desktop (patiently waiting for android app <3)
Whenever I send a comment (iPhone) the write comment screen stays up but it’s blank.
Other things too make the app feel a bit slow sometimes, like when you tap on the comments icon it doesn’t always open.
Also if you write too much in a rec/comment you have to tap at the top and then swipe to see the send button, it’d be nicer if we could just swipe up to get there.
Additionally, I would love the ability to save drafts for recs
Also on the membership screen it talks about the Google Playstore on ios, and I don’t think the purchase button works.
- (at least when replying to an ask) recs whitescreen and I can’t see what im typing (could be theme-related? doesnt occur when editing)
- trying to open “categories” on search page crashes app
- image uploads seem to be wonky / non-persistent at times?
- whole app feels slow / laggy; accidentally posted the same rec like 6 times bc “submit response” ui flow was unresponsive, need to refresh ask to see my response under it, loading recs under an ask can take a lot of time / a couple of tries for them to load
made sure to check I wasn’t behind a version or something, not sure if other people are hitting this as well but observed the above in the last ~24 hours
Not to be basic, but our Chinese household somehow had the DVD (definitely not official) all throughout my childhood and I never dared to play it until I was 12 because the pigs unnerved me so much. Thank god I held off until then - it changed 12 year old Amy's life.
Sometimes I need to hear it to remember that I'm happy, but no one is telling it to me but myself.
Instead of saying that something is delicious, or pretty, or great, or exciting, just say - "Wow, this makes me so happy!"