at a birthday sleepover in the third grade i attempted (with no experience) to do a handstand while we were having a dance party and fell flat on my face, giving myself rug burn straight down my nose. i didn’t notice until the morning when my parents picked me up the next morning and were, rightfully, concerned. you can still see the scar when the light hits just right☀️
Feb 25, 2025

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omg you haven’t seen that film? you haven’t heard that music? you haven’t read that book? THAT’S NORMAL!!!! i feel like there is so much social pressure to consume whatever media makes you niche and unique and cultured and i’m OVER IT. it’s normal to have not seen every cool movie or show on the planet or heard every album to ever exist. consuming media is something that should be enjoyable and happen gradually over time, not something you force to meet arbitrary cool person standards. i’m so done with feel a social obligation to consume certain things. i’ll get to it when i get to it! let me have my taste, im okay with not knowing everything!
it’s just so dazzling and magical! as beautiful as what it is used to describe. extra points because pearl is my birthstone🌟🌟
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