I have a dent in my right eyebrow that’s only visible when I raise my brow. This scar came from recess in 2nd grade.
Recess has just started and I was insanely pumped to be outside with my buddies playing wizards or whatever other bullshit we had planned that week. I ran right out into the asphalt that you had to cross to get to the playground , and forgot to pay attention to my surroundings. I remember smiling so hard that I could feel it in my cheeks, and I felt so free running as fast as I possibly could to get to the tire swings before the other kids in my grade got to them. Just as I got about halfway across, I felt the impact of someone pushing me over with all of their might. I fell face first, skidding about 5 feet just on my face. I slowly got up and immediately felt the blood rushing over my eyelashes. I started crying and someone alerted the supervisor, who brought me to the nurse. I had a fat lip, a scraped up face, and the skin above my eyebrow was broken open. It didn’t really hurt, just felt kind of numb after it was cleaned and taken care of. My mom still got called in because I was pretty shaken up from the whole ordeal.
Later in the day, I had a girlscouts meeting to attend at one of the girl’s homes. I told my mom I was fine to go, so we went. When we got there, it turned out that the girl who was hosting its little brother was the one who pushed me LOL. He had confessed to his mom earlier in the day that he felt so bad because he pushed a girl on recess who had run into the middle of his kickball game. i saw the fear on his face when he saw me walk into their entryway and ended up leaving early.
Wild Times of Second Grade!