i work from wednesday-sunday every week and so monday and tuesday end up being my weekend
it's kinda nice, i can still enjoy saturday/sunday events in the evening as well as getting to go run errands when places aren't too busy on my actual days off.
My weekend is now made, whatever happens next :) doesn’t happen as often as an adult but when we can get a long gaming session with a whole group, then it feels great!
As someone who people pleases A LOT being blunt is like a move i charge up for years until it’s finally ready, but as i’ve tried working on being blunt, about my feelings and stuff like that im like damn this is actually so freeing
my favorite thing to do is just start over with myself, like little things : my style, my hair. I think that i find myself being tied down to things that i’ve kinda branded myself as i didn’t realize that i can change..
i like cutting my own bangs it brings my joy and it feels like shedding my skin, if i mess up i mess up i lowk don’t sweat it anymore it’s like amazing