I left for a while to go on a study abroad experience. The more time passes after The Thing, the less life makes sense. I'm trying to get back to the people I used to know, to get back into the routine I had, the things I used to think. But somehow EVERYTHING about and around me is different and I don't understand ANYTHING. My body is different, my time isn't the same and somehow even my thought process has changed. I came back home expecting familiarity and warmth, and surprise, the world has obviously moved on (as I did) and nothing is the same, except all that is. Maybe not understanding everything I thought I had already integrated is part of growing up, I feel as if I'm shedding old skin to make room for new one, but it doesn't change the fact that I'm scared, confused, and generally don't really get the concept of time passing. I never used to get when people said they wanted the world to stop for a second, because that wasn't me, I wanted more, faster, more, all of it. Now I get it. Let me lay here for a moment and not think about anything. ☆lookaliveodette!!!!!!☆
Feb 26, 2025

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i feel this so hard. i don't think there's anything i can say to take it away or make it better, but wishing you so much love and comfort. also this is absolutely beautifully written, i've never seen this feeling captured so well. ☆lookaliveodette!!!!!!☆
Feb 26, 2025
extendedplay wishing you all that love and comfort back! I know how hard it is, thank you for reading this <3
Feb 26, 2025

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