my friend shared this pic with me via a bird app link but all I have is this screenshot... whoever originally took this photo, i fear how you know my mind
one of my besties got a film camera and was testing it out on my friends and i when we were hanging out. sent us the developed scans later and now this is my pfp everywhere. don’t even have this haircut anymore but i’m obsessed with the pic.
Not to be basic, but our Chinese household somehow had the DVD (definitely not official) all throughout my childhood and I never dared to play it until I was 12 because the pigs unnerved me so much. Thank god I held off until then - it changed 12 year old Amy's life.
Sometimes I need to hear it to remember that I'm happy, but no one is telling it to me but myself.
Instead of saying that something is delicious, or pretty, or great, or exciting, just say - "Wow, this makes me so happy!"