RIP Gene Hackman, an all time actor. The French Connection is one of those movies everyone’s heard of but not enough people have seen. It it’s been on your watchlist take this as a sign to give it a go. My favorite crime film ever.
Also such a crazy poster
Great heist flick, expertly directed by Dassin. The heist sequence is brilliant, but the charm of Melina Mercouri and Peter Ustinov’s Oscar-winning performance are what make it extra special.
Nicest storefront in nyc too. Theyre playing with cuts and fabrics like no one else right now. Trousers have that Lemaire flow at a quarter of the price. Best vertical striped shirts in the game.
orange juice americanos are the best form of refreshing coffee. i made mine with fresh squeezed blood orange juice and japanese iced coffee using a v60 pourover. juicy and delicious and beautiful ! i wish american cafes sold orange juice americanos