they say "write what you know," but i often feel like i've been robbed of the ability to know a wide breadth of experiences because of the conditions that i grew up in. this video was the first time that i felt confident actually drawing from my personal experience for a piece. reading "just kids" by patti smith (thanks again gothbubbe) was such a profoundly eye-opening experience, and it allowed me to actually articulate what annoyed me so much about my hometown and why for so long reading about cultural history felt like reading low fantasy. when i tell people i'm a youtuber (i try not to), this is the video i send their way
Feb 27, 2025

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I LOVED reading just kids, I will definitely have to check this out!!! :))
Feb 27, 2025

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doing my readings and every time i just come back and think about this essay. probably one of the few things in my entire undergrad that stuck out to me.
Firs tthing- walter Ben-ya-meen. If u bring him up in conversation and say ben ja min ur gonna look like an idiot apparently. But its funny bc its not like people say Valter Benyameen. They say walter. Go figure. Anyways this text is So Great. im definitely late to the game to this contexts of frankfurt dialectics, post war philosophy manifestos, yada yada but this one is so powerful and formative esp if ur an artist or visual creator that is Woke. Its one of his more accessible writings, and he is also a very important person to kno if u r even remotely into literature/philosophie/art/design/criticism etc. Benyameen talks about this loss/absence of human experience post war/industrual revolution whcih i think is rlly the root of all this floptok based retard gang xiaohongshu on the extreme side, but even at its most tame (yet this is more insidious/barbaric in the bad way as Benyameen puts it) all of these miu miu shoe unboxing, day in the life of a big city transplant, clean consumerism we are witness to online. It is rlly this central idea of experience that hit home for me, and the resulting idea of barbarism which fr opened my third eye and put words to the feelings of trying to contextualize our days of Today. Im also totally going to start using the word barbarian to describe creatives and intellectuals and world leaders haha. Be the Good Barbarian. dm me if u want my annotated copy i culd keep going but arent these meant to be kept short idk<3
Jan 20, 2024

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spent the last two weeks working on an interactive guide, recommendations database, and digital library (link depot) to help get people off of social media. the first draft is done now, and it's at the link to this post. it's still very much a work in progress (the library is especially thin atm) - which is why i wanted to share it here before unleashing it upon my IRL friends and the general public. i welcome any and all feedback, bug reports, and suggestions for things to add. i will be pushing updates to it out like a madman in the coming weeks, so be sure to check back every so often to see new additions to the database and library. additionally, i am still on the hunt for newsletters from local venues / community organizations / magazines / newspapers, etc. the only cities i have remotely covered so far are nyc, orlando, denver, brisbane, and little bits of worcester and chicago. if you know anything in your area that fits the bill, send it my way!
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