For as long as I can remember I have made it my goal to be remembered. I like to make an impact in people's lives in any substantial way I can because I have a crippling fear of being forgotten. My dad died a few years ago now and I have made it my goal to continue his little rituals. I listen to music he showed me, I watch movies he liked, I root for his baseball team and his hockey team, I represent him in every facet of myself. I am a vessel of experiences and many of my best experiences were with my dad. Something my dad loved was sharing music with me. I've been playing music since I was in diapers and inherited my dad's ability to play music by ear. My dad and I would swap music a lot. I played one song, he played one. He especially loved turning my playlists on when we had to drive anywhere. This is essentially a long ramble about how I am beginning to catalog my adulthood. Around 3:00AM on the day following my 21st birthday I had the bright idea of cataloging all of the music I listen to this year. Every song I even passively enjoy or seek out I have added to this playlist. I'll link it in this post and I hope to inspire some of y'all to catalog your music listening as well!