For as long as I can remember I have made it my goal to be remembered. I like to make an impact in people's lives in any substantial way I can because I have a crippling fear of being forgotten. My dad died a few years ago now and I have made it my goal to continue his little rituals. I listen to music he showed me, I watch movies he liked, I root for his baseball team and his hockey team, I represent him in every facet of myself. I am a vessel of experiences and many of my best experiences were with my dad. Something my dad loved was sharing music with me. I've been playing music since I was in diapers and inherited my dad's ability to play music by ear. My dad and I would swap music a lot. I played one song, he played one. He especially loved turning my playlists on when we had to drive anywhere. This is essentially a long ramble about how I am beginning to catalog my adulthood. Around 3:00AM on the day following my 21st birthday I had the bright idea of cataloging all of the music I listen to this year. Every song I even passively enjoy or seek out I have added to this playlist. I'll link it in this post and I hope to inspire some of y'all to catalog your music listening as well!
Feb 27, 2025

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with the first month of 2024 coming to a close I thought Iā€™d recommend one of my favorite little traditions: making a yearly playlist where at the end of every month you reflect and add your four favorite songs (> 4 = overkill, < 4 = next to impossible, at least for me because my headphones are glued to my ears) at the end of the year, I lay in bed and finally listen to the playlist in full (not on shuffle!) and let my mind be flooded with all the memories I have attached to the songs (crying is unavoidable sorry) oh and I donā€™t mean newly released songs, just all music in general. hope I explained everything clearly
Jan 29, 2024
This may will be three years I've been doing it. It feels so important to be able to go back and see what you were listening to in any given month of your life. it's like a barometer of how sad you were.
Jan 11, 2024
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i started in 2018, but every year i make a playlist a month and any new song i like (or rediscover after forgetting) i add to the monthā€™s playlist as someone who loses track of time and canā€™t keep track of what happened in what year because it all blends for me, itā€™s a little funny looking back at what music i was listening to during certain events of my life, like breakups and how people i met influenced my music taste. i.e. march of 2018 when i got into lofi and i met a community of small artists who have grown since then or july of 2021 when i got into hyperpop after meeting an ex-roommate. i wish i started this earlier like in june 2015 when i got into kpop everyone i know puts every song they like into one playlist, or their ā€œliked songsā€ but i love having my songs organized into playlists and folders and one of my favorite things to do is find a theme for the playlist covers :p
Jan 31, 2025

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