Poetry died upon the invention of caps lock We should only eat food that our dogs and cats try to steal from off our plates City planning is just marketing for infrastructure
Feb 28, 2025

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The car simps in political leadership and the enemies of a vibrant, sociable spaces have decided to do away with outdoor dining structures in favor of street parking. There are plenty of reasons to love these ad hoc hovels, designed and built to support once-struggling restaurants and cafes, ranging from the ramshackle to the wonderfully inventive. These photos are an endearing testament to our fellow humans' creative resilience. I'm sad for NYC and disappointed in our leaders for regressing to the status quo instead of embracing communal spaces.
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I know slavoj zizek is a fucking loser now, but his movie A Pervert's Guide to Ideology was the first piece of media that began to rub away the sheen/shellac of pretense that the world operates smoothly. It was my first time really engaging with a Marxian analysis and sitting with it. I was in high school, and it set me up to care about critical theory. From this movie, I'd read Mark Fisher's really quick book "Capitalist Realism: is there no alternative?" Fisher grounds a lot of his theory in culture/media in a very similar way to Zizek. After that, I'd follow recommendations made by others in the thread!
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1. Scroll the "everyone" feed (almost completely ignore that home/friends page) 2. Like gratuitously 3. Follow people who post things you like 4. I try to be brave and comment when feeling moved I don't search or look for anything in particular, personally, unless I'm about to post something and curious if others have done so already. Just let the river float by and enjoy the ride
Feb 8, 2025
The sad truth is that sometimes feelings are bottled up in maladaptive ways. And what drinking can be is a way to open the door to what's hidden from view even of the self. And to step through the threshold and fall down the bottomless pit of desire and amorousness for the world and connection. To feel the unbearable joy of breathing the energy of my compatriots, my comrades. Why does this door only unlock with this dumb and poisoning key Mono no aware meets Audre Lorde's uses of the erotic
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