I’m newly 18, and having a crisis about it. I know all the lyrics to American Pie and can quote Walt Whitman from memory. I have a collection of 97 State Quarters from various years. I never learned how to care about things in a normal, well adjusted way which leaves me prone to overthinking basically everything. I’m in school and studying to be an engineer because I like math. I think I like math because there’s so many rules and every problem can be solved (or at least simplified) by following certain steps. My favorite artists are Jeff Buckley and Mary Oliver, and I always order tea instead of coffee because caffeine hurts my stomach. I like taking showers in the dark and running till my lungs burn. I love the feeling of a hot drink that’s just a little too hot and when you take a sip you can feel its heat all the way down your spine. I choose to live my life in a state of undying optimism, mostly about the future and other peoples potential for kindness. Some nights lie awake because I’m worried I have a brain tumor and will die if I sleep. Also I’m a Virgo.
Feb 28, 2025

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you and i have a bit in common :) i’m also studying to be an engineer and i also know all the lyrics to american pie!
Feb 28, 2025

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Feb 28, 2025

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