"Loving you is complicated"
a concept album that weaves a soul, funk and jazz infused narrative with the rapper's struggles balancing the discriminated background he came from versus the hypocritical position of power he ended up in
yeah yeah, everybody and their mama has talked about this album, we all know it's good, what else is there to say? well namely, a decade later, this album is not only as poignant as ever, but it truly feels like it will become timeless
the cohesiveness and the way it truly feels like you're being taken on a hero's journey is where this thing truly shines. the narrative crafting on this is something you almost never see anymore. the LYRICAL MOTIFS my god
and even if it didn't have all that, it's got hits!! alright? these walls? king kunta? wesley's theory? like come awn
i still cry to u every fucking time i listen to it
anyways yeah it's good not news keep it movin
(my absolutely chaotic evil thought is that somebody should adapt this into a musical like green day's american idiot it probably won't be good but i'm morbidly curious)