ideally i would love to gain the trust and respect of a corvid 🐦‍⬛ they love to give and receive tiny gifts and i relate to that. goose and swan are also great options though a bit riskier since these guys can get mad as hell and those long necks are powerful i would also love to volunteer at a raptor sanctuary and help take care of falcons, owls, etc. i feel pretty sad and disturbed by most caged birds and having a parrot, for example is a massive emotional responsibility, their lifespans also mean it’s a lifelong commitment, i probably wouldn’t go this route but respect those who do it right 🫡
Mar 2, 2025

Comments (4)

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dude having a bond with crows was the best feeling ever. i worked at a cafe that had tons of crows that would hang out in the field next to it so i started leaving food out for them on a table outside, they came everyday and started bringing me pinecones onto the table where i would leave their food. i dont work there anymore so i rly miss them but everywhere i go now i see crows and its like they know i fuck w them because theyll come close to me.
Mar 3, 2025
I have known several people with crows who gave them gifts and it always seemed really awesome
Mar 3, 2025
You should look up Hawk Watch International and see if there is a chapter near you, they rescue birds and they always need more volunteers!
Mar 2, 2025
aL_pants they look like an amazing org, thank you so much!
Mar 2, 2025

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i grew up in the southern u.s in a county where only beer and wine were allowed to be sold but there are some counties where NO alcohol at all can be sold ! aka a dry county. in these cases enterprising individuals typically set up liquor stores right on the edge outside the county so you can hop over to stock up. people with cool older siblings would beg them to go buy a handle of something disgusting like whipped cream smirnoff. so yes it was pretty normal to drink at 15 but the joke (reality) was that it was easier to acquire drugs than alcohol. there was a guy in my town who sold vodka in clear plastic water bottles for a while. i once paid $10 (🤡) for one…oh youth.
Mar 3, 2025