I can legitimately say I would not be the same person I am now if I had never seen Amelie. there's this episode of This American Life called "Spark Bird" - the bird that first sparks someone's interest in/obsession with birding - well I like to refer to "spark movies" and Amelie was it for me. it showed me what cinema could do. I had never seen a movie that encapsulated my worldview but also how I wanted the world to be and look. seeing it as a teenager probably had a lot to do with it - the longing, the quirkiness - but the visual/artist part of me realized movies could do and express things I never thought possible and never had words or images for. it was like a floodgate opened, it was my gateway drug to more movies, art, music, and the way I experienced myself in the world. it was so formative for me it's like my brain soaked it up and I can't help that it's always there permeating everything with more whimsy, flair, and color ✨