I had a small bear named Beary (not pictured). He had a little bib and a tongue that stuck out. I’m not sure what happened to him, but I imagine he needed to see the world just as I did. We both know we’re never truly be apart. That said, I had a ton of stuffed friends and I’ve never liked hierarchy. All my stuffed pals had their part to play in my life and I’m grateful to each of them.
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Mar 2, 2025

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what is with all these seperated childhood teddy stories wdym you parted ways !??? 🥲🥲🥲
Mar 2, 2025
choc_orange I’m not sure where he went! I never got rid of him but I don’t have him anymore. I can only assume he got busy and that’s why we fell out of touch. Life just works that way sometimes. You find yourself in different places in your lives, whether human or stuffed bear.
Mar 2, 2025
zenlikeme he is just living his best life out there with his bib and silly tongue
Mar 2, 2025
😭❤️ so cute lol
Mar 2, 2025

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this was your placeholder, I see them in you ❣️ when you leave, it will be us again 🌛
Nov 12, 2024
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This is the only photo I have with a bunch of them together at once but there were so many more. One favorite was a pink stuffed unicorn… my best friend told me when we were little that if you hold its horn with your fingers and close your eyes make a wish it’ll come true so I would make so many of them! Another favorite was an off brand Beanie Baby that my parents got me after I got into a really bad scary accident at school in kindergarten or first grade playing dodgeball but with foam balls… I got hit with a ball so hard that I fell onto the asphalt blacktop and wrecked my forehead and my knees and my coach basically told me to walk it off and wouldn’t let me go to the nurse but I just went anyway? and then my mom came and yelled at my coach and made him cry and that man was a retired Marine. Anyway that stuffed animal’s name was Brownie! He was brown. No this photo was not taken on Halloween that’s just how I dressed.
Mar 2, 2025
I’m not going to lie, I used to be the type to cringe at adults whose beds were covered in stuffed animals and still do believe there should be a cut off but I just recently began growing my family of plushies and it’s really upgraded my lounging time, of which there is a lot of. Sometimes I’m not sure what my overall aesthetic is or how I want my home to look but I think it’s somewhere between Korean minimalism and straight up age regressed paradise. I’m unashamed of the joy it brings me to walk into a store, suddenly come across a plushie I feel drawn to and bring it home with a newfound name/personality. My first one was a four foot teddy bear handed down to me by a follower after I posted how much I wanted a giant teddy bear. Shout out to them. His name is Genji, named after Murasaki Shikibu’s “The Tale of Genji”: a classic work of Japanese literature written in the early 11th century centered on the life and loves of a handsome son born to an Emperor. Then, I have a Harbour seal who’s name I forgot so I renamed him Melvin, a grey bunny named Roger and a pink squishmallow named Martha May Vicky Christina Barcelona. I don’t know why they’re mostly male so don’t ask me. I look forward to extending this family.
Dec 6, 2022

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I haven’t been on Twitter for years and hardly touch FB, but I had been an active user on Instagram since 2012. I really like taking and sharing photos, and that had always been a fun place to do it. No more. With the changes the content moderation changes they’re making, leaving LGBTQ+ folks vulnerable to be targeted; their rolling back of DEI programs; their willing participation in far-right rhetoric and politics; it’s all too much and I’m out. As if Meta’s platform hadn’t already been increasingly enshittified, this was the final straw to announce how much worse it will get. And you know what? It feels freeing. Better to leave it behind and find new platforms to connect with people.
Jan 22, 2025
The guy got my attention with, “Hey, I like your shoes.” Just like that, he had me. We talked about where I bought the shoes and how I used to work in the shoe industry. He used to work in the beer industry but had recently become independently wealthy because of an investment opportunity he started with a few of his friends. ”You get to be your own boss,” he told me. Your boot could be on your own neck. We’re back to the topic of shoes. He told me it’s a small investment to get started but things are really taking off and I could get in on the ground floor. I could quit my job. Work for myself. Had I ever considered doing something like that? “No,” I said with a shrug. I walked away with my jar of peanut butter. I can’t remember if it was creamy or crunchy. Probably crunchy. Nice guy!
Feb 25, 2025