Ive decided. I will begin today. im supposed to be reading neuromancer, but I feel like this would be a better thing to begin and maintain my consistency with. Question: Has anyone ever read this? how was your life effected?
Stay consistent with it. I read the artist way a few years ago during a dark time in my life and it helped me process through creating and writing. I need to revisit again
I have no idea if this is similar. I have The Creative Act but haven't read it yet.
But this book, and all the others in the series, like Turning Pro, are fantastic for any writer, artist, creator, forward-living human.
The creative process can be extreme humbling. I’ve started reading the artists way because I’m hoping to find something. This is not exactly an ask but if you know any other books or have any recommendations along the same lines of anything that helped you along the way, feel free to share.
Thank you, bye x
Reminded of this book today. It was instumental in helping me take writing seriously. The concept of personifying all our little self-sabotaging acts as an antagonistic entity called Resistance was so useful. Ironically, I don't remember finishing the book. But I did finish my first screenplay.
Worth revisiting.
… honestly just not it. I didn’t buy them but I knew something was up when my brother pawned a large jar of them onto me suddenly.. asking “do you like pickles?” of course I do what kind of question is that.. I now understand there are pickles that I dont like.