I grew up in a conservative muslim household with a tight knit small muslim community so uh very skewed view. Also eldest daughter very rule follower golden child people pleaser. Also control freak with a fear of any form of loss of control (eg: being drunk). So no I did not drink a single sip of alcohol until 22 and even then it was one spritz, and not again since. I know some people in high school who drank, but I was in the honors classes and all my other golden child nerd friends didn't really. The ones who did usually drank with their parents like having a few sips of their wine or having a beer with the family kind of thing. In high contrast, my younger sister, similar upbringing started drinking much earlier. I don't know too much about the early times we weren't close enough then, and maybe still aren't now, but she definitely drank in high school and partied regularly in college before she was 21, I want to say starting at 16/17. Not completely sure. But definitely way more than I could've ever wrapped my head around at that same age.
Mar 3, 2025

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but for me, I drank for the first time at 16, when I got tipsy on rum while writing an essay for english class. After that I didn't drink again until college, when I would routinely pay this 30 year old to bring me Smirnoff because I didn't go to many parties where I could get free booze
Mar 3, 2025
I drank more underaged than I have as an adult probably. When I was in high school I didn’t have any friends but every time I visited my grandparents for Christmas I would pour tall glasses of my grandmother’s Beefeater gin over ice and drink it straight. About a year after graduating I did start spending time with people and fully entered my blackout binge drinking era whether it was Everclear, Wild Turkey, six packs of craft beer from older guys, Tanqueray and Bombay Sapphire purchased upon my request by somebody’s older brother, a lunchtime margarita with my uncle, slapping the pink Franzia bag and laughing with friends and lovers, or a couple of bottles of Veuve Clicquot shared over an intimate dinner with a handful of friends at the country club. My liver is thankful that I dialed it down I’m sure.
Mar 3, 2025
assuming you start college right after high school, in american colleges/universities you generally won’t turn the legal drinking age (21) in your third year of college, so for your first ~2 years you’re not legal. most students (regardless of where in the US) do not wait until then lol. i partied a lot throughout college so was underage drinking for a bit of it! i didn’t really go to bars or clubs myself but fake IDs etc are common too also some people drink in high school, personally i was too much of a nerd to go to parties then LOL, but i drank wine/champagne with my family occasionally, especially at holidays an interesting fact related to this is that in some states it can be legal for someone to underage drink in certain circumstances, the main one being is if they are drinking at home in the presence of their parents
Mar 3, 2025

Top Recs from @moonbeams

like damn who curated this, these songs are so good, I really know my tastes well
Feb 28, 2025
More specifically, watching your favorite rom com and then your crush's favorite rom com (is there an adult word for crush), back to back at the same time as they are watching them. But instead of the social exhaustion of video calling you just text while you watch them. Even better you guys like each other mutually, so it should be exhilerating, but they cannot and will not be with you so instead it's just a lesson in your terrible self restraint. Exhilerating anyway. Good movies, good conversation. Unbeatable.
Mar 2, 2025