I don't want someone else to tell me a story about you. I don't want an algorithm shaping my perspective of my fellow humans. I don't want some gatekeepers to season my ears with a pre-determined narrative about the others in the world.
My overriding experience is that people, when face to face and doing life together, are far better human beings than we've been led to believe.
Much of our division simply comes from the fact that we don't talk to one another.
So my driving passion, in different spaces, is to pursue and cultivate those kind of communities. Partly it involves getting out from behind our screens and getting in real life physical spaces together—or at least in realtime. It involves inviting people to reclaim the voice that's been stolen from them, or that they've surrendered. It requires a difficult and willful setting aside of what I think I know about you and what you think you know about me.