In this day and age when i can barely get off my phone when I finally spend time reading my book some nights I feel so stereotypically human.
I’m currently reading The Briar Club :o
Holding a physical paperback is one of the Core Experiences of reading pleasure— but the option of having your book at all times, no matter the lighting, body position or situation, is going to make you so much more likely to read.
The way you can read for 5 minutes, text your friend, check notifs and seamlessly come back to your page is kind of brainrot but you know what. Idgaf :33
For me, the convenience of skipping a trip to the library and just downloading an epub file is one of the purest indulgences of instant gratification… very gluttonous but it feels very Nice
Every morning I wake up grappling for a handhold out of sleeps strange tides. Internally kicking and crying, trying to see the self that lay down last night. In this haze I have grasp for a phone to direct my untidy neuron’s firings. Book are a safer place for me to feel human as I come out of the night.
A lovely way to begin the day <3
In pre-21st century movies and media, we always see couples that go to bed, independently read their books, and once sleepy, clap off the lights and peacefully retire to sleep. Maybe there’s a reason this trope is so common! Maybe couples who read together, sleep together!!
Reading before bed regulates my brain and body in ways I did not know were possible. Screens are bad for you, specifically and especially before bedtime… who knew! And with a good nights sleep I have so much energy to do things, including but not limited to more reading.