there are some books out there that try to do a good job of giving an over of everything. Bill Bryson’s SHORT HISTORY OF NEARLY EVERYTHING comes to mind. I’ve heard lots of people enjoy SAPIENS by Yuval Noah Harari too.
However, I’d be more inclined to go in a different direction and read essay collections by a few prominent writers. I’d start with Christopher Hitchen’s LOVE, POVERTY AND WAR. Which covers a wide range of topics from war and politics to social commentary and art. Whilst I don’t agree with all his opinions, he is a great writer and draws in allusions from a broad range of domains. if nothing else, it will at least spark curiosity and further research.
I’m also very fond of the VERY SHORT INTRODUCTIONS series from the OUP which mostly do a good job of providing a broad overview a wide range of topics. I often see some in second hand book stores: