I saw someone I haven't properly spoken to in over a year and still got along with him like we hadn't missed a beat, which was a nice reminder that no matter how much I've changed the person I used to be is still recognisable and lovely
I just had some convos with middle school friends and itโs crazy how much has changed but it feels really nice to just check in sometimes. Reminds me that everyoneโs always around if youโre willing to take the first step
Lately when I've been sat at my desk with brainfog, I've been going for a 5 minute walk near my office building instead of trying to power through it and I feel like it's made me way more productive and also has been so good for my mood!!
Be published
Speak a non-Slav or Latin language
Skinny dip with someone I love
Play an instrument
Buy a really nice watch
Throw a surprise party for someone else
Keep fresh flowers in my home at all times
Get good at sourdough