The internet has truly ruined the relationship between hot people & non-hot people. You used to only get roasted by people who were high 8’s / solid 9’s / perfect 10’s. Now it’s anyone with an internet connection thinking they can critique you + your takes. It’s concerning.
Like if I post a song and a 9.2 tells me that it’s bad? Immediately I think “Man, maybe I should reconsider this entirely.” But when a 4.5 gets a little burst of bravery and tells me that the song I posted was bad? I’m sort of embarrassed for them. And a little grossed out. Who let them be on the internet? Why did they think their profile pic was a good idea? Why does it feel like I need to take a long shower to wash off the effects of being in (internet) proximity to them? We have to restore the balance of only letting hotter people speak down to you.
Some suggestions:
1. Know your hot # and stay in your lane. It’s embarrassing if you try to comment or sass someone thats much more attractive than you :/
2. If you want to roast more people then maybe get hotter? Idk? Drink more water? Get those 10k steps in? Do that thing where you make your jawline more visible? Read a book? Meditate? Do some yoga? Put all the energy you have pent up for roasting and apply it to becoming more attractive.
3. If you aren’t hot enough to roast people and you don’t want to get hotter, then take yourself over to Facebook. That wasteland is a free-for-all and it seems like the hotness scale is nonexistent there anyways.
Hope this helps!
(Per usual, read this with a healthy slab of sarcasm & satire. And if you take this seriously and it offends you, go back to point #2. You’re giving low 5’s energy.)