i don't think anyone ever intends to become a recreational ornithologist. but i've noticed that it definitely creeps up on you slowly in your mid-twenties. it starts with noticing how funny pigeons are, then learning pigeon lore, and suddenly you're feeding your neighbourhood birds every morning and buying books on birds. as a child i idolised the pigeon lady in home alone 2, and i woke up this morning and realised — i AM the pigeon lady 🐦
6d ago

Comments (17)

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This is the exact trajectory I also followed on my path to being a bird fan hahaha I love this
6d ago
I loveeeee to watch the ravens and magpies near me
6d ago
We get to go outside and just see dinosaurs, magic is real
6d ago
@NICK-WEBBER brb rebranding birdwatching to dinosaur watching
6d ago
this is so real, I’m traveling to Columbia soon and I’m making a list of all of the birds I want to see
6d ago
Also started becoming a bit of a bird nut over the past year! It’s remarkable how birds are almost a completely universal experience, what I’ve learned is that completely opposite people with opposite beliefs will often be connected by birds
6d ago
I’ve gotten into birdwatching recently as well! The idea that they’re literally highly modified dinosaurs makes it feel like connecting to something ancient. If you want to go down a fun rabbit hole the intermediate species between non avian dinosaurs and birds have some really weird mishmashes of traits (like teeth, clawed wings, and tails)
6d ago
@ISTHEFRUITSTILLGOOD the day i learned that some dinosaurs had feathers was the day i looked at chickens with new eyes 👀
6d ago
I can’t watch them for too long or I start getting upset that they don’t have arms
6d ago
omg i think i had early onset birder tendencies i started birdwatching at like 10 years old🐣
6d ago
Pigeons are cool, us humans did ‘em so dirty. I’ve seen a few crested pigeons around lately! and there’s a family of Magpies that hang out in my backyard sometimes, I swear I can tell them all apart every time. Best spot I’ve had recently is a Pied Currawong, like *woah*, I knew their eyes were yellow, but pics don’t do them justice. Real pretty y’know
6d ago
@SOFTSHELLED ooh i don't have currawongs near me but i do have a little family of pied butcherbirds that visit and their song is so beautiful. i love their little hops 🥹 also my local magpies are the sweetest, i haven't ever been swooped by them ever since i made friends with them and they help me by pulling out weeds lol
6d ago
@THEEYAH pied butcherbirds songs are beautiful! I haven’t been swooped by maggies either!! The mum will eat out of my hands sometimes too. Had a couple of generations of their kids swing by, I’ve named them all. Not much gardening assistance yet lol, but they will chill nearby if I’m outside doing something (:
5d ago
Recently discovering that my city has the prettiest ducks I have ever seen (mandarin ducks) has pushed me over the edge into embracing birdwatching I think. Ive been ignoring the (bird)call for too long but they are wonderful little guys!!! I would like to observe them
6d ago
capybarareverie i just googled mandarin ducks and they are the coolest little guys. we have wild rainbow lorikeets and they're so cute and colourful — my favourite thing is to listen to the birds singing in the morning! birdwatching really forces you to be still, observant and present. deeply grounding 🙏🏽
6d ago
theeyah after a quick google i have decided that Rainbow Lorikeets are my favourite creature!! So vibrant!!!! I would love to slow down, be in the moment and appreciate the nature around me more, and it really seems the best way to do that is with birdwatching!! :)
6d ago
capybarareverie they’re gorgeous, wish I had more of them around here. The sound I‘d be stoked to hear in person again is the Eastern Whipbird’s call. It’s a sharp *whip* sound at the beginning, but it softens into this melodic echoing whistle. like the sound of a water droplet reverberating
6d ago

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