(Besides Marie Sharp’s hot sauce) I haven’t found something that this doesn’t elevate. I especially love the little crunchy soybeans. I am huge fan of more textures in my food. What are your favorite condiments? Let me see those sauces babygirl
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Comments (12)

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yes obsessed with using the oil to fry eggs
5d ago
i LOVE this stuff
5d ago
omg. This shit is insaneee.
5d ago
british mustard :)
5d ago
@CLEANTEETH is it called that on the label? Or like look where it’s made on the back?
5d ago
@MIJASMINE It's actually called english mustard; i don't know why i called it british mustard
5d ago
@CLEANTEETH thanks! What Are your favorite things to put it on?
5d ago
@MIJASMINE Slice of White farmhouse Bread Mustard Gammon Mustard Slice of White Farmhouse Bread A little sandwich
5d ago
I make this red pepper sauce my mom makes back home sometimes: 2 red bell peppers 4 cloves of garlic 1 cup olive oil 3tbsp white vinegar 1tsp cumin 1tsp salt 2tbsp paprika (bonus points if smoked) Optional: chili flakes/cayenne Roast red peppers on a grill or gas stove til skin is cracked and slightly burnt but not black all over. Put them in a glass Tupperware container and let them sweat all the water out for about maybe four ish hours. Then put everything (bell peppers with only the stems taken out, leave the seeds in; also put in all the water the bell peppers have sweated out) in a jar and immersion blend until creamy It’s so fucking good over tofu or eggs or roasted veggies or literally anything under the sun!! For a cilantro sauce swap out the bell peppers for two bunches of cilantro roughly chopped (stems and leaves), it’s also incredible
5d ago
@NICO_ thanks! Making this this weekend!
5d ago
@MIJASMINE let me know how you like it and send pictures 🫡
5d ago
@NICO_ this looks unreal - gonna try this
5d ago

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I cook a lot of great things, but probably get more compliments on these two condiments than anything else I do. They are universally loved, very easy to make, and can accompany pretty much anything. I usually start with a basic recipe I find online, and then doctor them based on what ive got available.
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adds nice umami and depth to a lot of things
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