i actually just made a list of my favorites right before i saw this! out of them, i'd recommend airbuds, cara, and last.fm the most! airbuds is an app/site where you can see what music your friends are listening to and you can make a cool profile of music recommendations cara is an app/site for artists with a great algorithm and i would use it more if i had more art to post and if people i knew were more active on it last.fm is a music analytics website (they have an app but its not as good as the website) that goes pretty in depth about the music you listen to and recommends you some music too!
Mar 7, 2025

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1. RYM - fun way to keep track of albums you’ve been listening to and see what your friends are listening to. 2. Last.fm for listening stats (more accurate than Spotify and Apple Music IMO, but that’s not news) but also for curated recs and leaving one-liner comments on songs/albums. 3. Bandcamp for buying music, yes, but also I’ve especially been loving their feature articles as of late. Good music writing!
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i love following people on spotify (linked!) and watching them like an ant farm on my friend activity whenever i'm doing laptop work. i also have last.fm if people still use that but i prefer to make/poke around on peoples' playlists
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Every time Spotify‘s algorithm hits a wall in terms of giving me new music, I use this site to look for new releases but I specifically look at artists who‘s music I haven’t heard before or if I’m feeling super experimental I’ll only look Into genres I've never heard of or barely know. I highly recommend this, it’s a fun way to discover new artists and music in general🤩 Music roamer is also a goated way of finding artists similar to your faves https://www.musicroamer.com (use the desktop version)
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