Helped me get over heartbreak
I was just a lad, nearly 22
Neither good nor bad, just a kid like you
and now i'm lost, too late to pray
lord, i take a cost, on the lost highway
Made after a seriously devastating relationship that ended with unrequited love. I was deep in it and music was my only way to cope. Because I was so miserable I can stand by this playlist because it helped and it’s always there to return to next time.
im 24, i am a sound designer. I have won awards for sound design. I have a 1st in a degree that included me to do sound designing. I like books and music and films and pictures and friends and my ex and sound designing sounds for my ears, and hopefully one day, your ears too. i also like my bed and listening to sounds. Did i mention sound?
I saw somewhere the other day that in order to better your life, you must create more opportunities for luck to exist. Today i pushed the opportunities of luck, and in return i have met a wide range of cool people. Life is cooooool