of any nature in any song. it's like a treat! love that it can make a song sound extra desperate (as in the case of bags. or goodnight and go)
this is also very much an invitation to recommend new additions to this ongoing list 💌
my favorite ending for an album that i feel, is in large part, about the various modalities of longing and lament. it feels weary and wise, almost recollective like one might be at the end of a life. reminds me of a stanley kunitz poem 💙
been listening to mj lendermen’s “grief” a lot lately (im good not sad just find it beautiful) and it remidned me of my love for the lonely saxophone. it really just elevates a song to transcendent levels and makes you feel like you’re flying, going straight to heaven.
some other examples are bon iver’s sh’diah and m83‘s midnight city. these two are especially elevated in their climaxes.
goes without saying that this album is popular but specifically I love this part 2:35 into this song when the beat drops and she sings "I said goodbye before you came." I don't know how to describe that sound very well but it's like little beeps and whistles that remind me of a robotic dolphin's echolocation and I love it. and the little whirrs in the last twenty or seconds of that song too.
those specific sounds just play in my mind all the time the last few days when I'm not really thinking about anything in particular.
Edit: big seapunk/frutiger aero vibes