i used to live here when i was a kid in a big farmhouse next to a field of cows and a field of soybeans. population of about 200, with a butcher shop that always gave me a lollipop whenever i went in and the little italian restaurant rizzo’s that every major event happened at. i remember watching the fireworks on the 4th of july with our neighbors who ran the dairy down the street, i remember going on hour long walks through the fields, i remember eating raw deer corn off the stalk, i remember the hunting blinds in the woods nearby, i remember the farm kids coming to pick me up in the gator to go pick blackberries. pretty good place to be a kid. we didn’t live there long but i miss it a lot.
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NO WAY! My mom grew up in Franklin, PA and we have family in Crabtree so we would always go in the summer for the fireworks. And we always made sure to eat at Rizzo's! I've never seen anyone else talk about it online!
5d ago
@GFORCE2001 haha that’s so cool! i lived right down the street from the Carr dairy and we were pretty close with their family
4d ago

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My mom grew up in this town, so we would visit from Florida about twice a year when I was younger. Her family has been there for generations after they immigrated from Italy. The hills and trees are beautiful, the tiny downtown area has some great antique shops, and the old houses and churches are so charming. Pennsylvania grass has such a specific smell, especially in the summer. I miss that smell so often. I remember scooping clay out of the lakebed at Two-Mile Run and going to old car shows with my Grandpap in the summer. My Granny lived out in the country nearby, in Rocky Grove. It's a very quaint little American town! If anyone ever passes through Franklin, please try to stop by The Printer's Cabinet & Curiosities! It's an itty bitty building across from the town library that is packed to the BRIM, like the CEILING, with amazing vintage & antique oddities. The guy who runs it is so nice and it's still the best oddities store I've ever been to.
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