i am really passionate about going to my schools gallery crawl where all the undergrads exhibit their art. The work folks make range from uninformed, to simply bad, to copying other famous artists, or just trying to make it through art school. Genuinely, it’s inspiring to see people try stuff out, get halfway, play around, wrestle with a concept and fail (sometimes hilariously). and bitch it’s necessary! being audacious, playful and unafraid of failure, intrigued or exhausted, it’s all a part of making. being so scared to screw up makes u make no work at all. I made so so so much bad work in school and i presented it proudly. I wanna get back to failing spectacularly and doing it with a grin.
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4d ago

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while this seems counterintuitive it’s something I’ve been trying to adopt this mindset into my practice lately since it presents great opportunities to learn and make Better Art. as someone who always Wants Perfection with their work (especially with the first go of things), making bad art has been something I’ve made a lot lately because I’ve been learning so many new things (like cyanotype and darkroom printing). fun fact: I actually have two cyano-totes. The first one has barely seen the light of day because it was a hot mess (aka I def did not rinse it enough). BUT without the first one I would not have made the second one that you guys showed so much love for!!!!!! *this was also a nice little reflection moment for me because I was very fed up last night in my darkroom class so thanks pi.fyi for making #reflect and remember it’s about progress not perfection*
Jul 3, 2024
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might be late to the game but art professors can be so wrong about so many things. they don’t know everything they just know what they been taught. being able to come to your conclusions regarding your work or art in general is so important make art to make art. make art to make people feel. don’t get caught in the loop of trying to get a good grade. don’t get caught in the loop of trying to sell something. just make art! (but be open to criticism, it’s a balance) not even trying to be funny but they be pulling shit out their ass just to hate 😭 my design teacher ⬇️
Nov 1, 2024
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i’m open abt a lot of stuff but it is a little hard for me to admit that sometimes i worry that i’m not artsy or creative enough for nyc. i have so many wonderful friends who are artists—and are fabulously talented artists at that. truly it is a statistically unlikely amount of people who are, to their core, Creatives who lead with their heart. i love their art so much. anywho! i found a free sculpting class (with a live model which was so cool) and im so happy with how my first project is coming along. considering i’ve never tried this before and it’s a work in progress. i am working on being okay with things i make being not spectacular because they don’t have to be, i’m learning, and it means i get to improve 🌟
Feb 20, 2024

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