been reading several of his novels ("the last day of a condemned man," "the hunchback of notre dame," "les miserables") and they're so good and quite relevant to the modern day in many ways. obviously he's one of the most famous authors of all time so this isn't really news but i feel like most people haven't actually read the books and they so should

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Yesss !!! If you want a more niche one you can also read the toilers of the sea, it’s not only an amazing book, the fact that you really have no idea of what’s gonna happen (as opposed to in les misérables and notre dame) makes the experience even more gripping ! You discover the story page by page like people did back then. Also, visit his grave if you come to Paris, it’s in the Pantheon along with a lot of the other great figures of the French Republic (there’s Josephine Baker as well !) Ok French propaganda over thank you for reading 🐓🇫🇷
5d ago
@LOUISE_THE_ROBIN thank you for this rec!! i for sure have found myself wishing (at least with notre dame and les mis) that i wasn't already familiar with the story as i love the way he gradually reveals information to the reader and leaves breadcrumbs for later. i definitely would like to experience his writing with a fresh perspective!
4d ago
@CAPTNPHOEBUS come back if you read it I would love to hear your feedback !!
4d ago

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