im using this song for a short film i have to make for school so i cant stop thinking about “now i’ll fake it every single day til i dont need fantasy, til i feel you leave” this lyric, to me, means so much more than romantic love, or love at all. to me, it means family. it means hate. it means loss. drugs. media. art. life, even. this whole album means so much more to me than most. she saved it all for me.
Mar 8, 2025

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when lorde said "three years, loved you every single day/made me weak, it was real for me, yeah real for me/now i'll fake it, every single day/'til i don't need fantasy, 'til i feel you leave/but i still remember everything/how we'd drift buying groceries, how you'd dance for me/i'll start letting go of little things, 'til i'm so far away from you"
Mar 7, 2025
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This whole album is full of sparse and emotional piano-driven gems, which allows Spencer Krug's (Wolf Parade, Sunset Rubdown, Swan Lake) brittle poetry to really shine through. This song is steeped in sadness, and to me really just epitomizes the full breakdown of love. The sort that not only destroys a relationship, but also eviscerates your image of self, but also how you interact with your physical reality, and necessitates some introspection and growth in order to pick up the pieces. Love is sort of like light. It needs darkness in order to exist and be appreciated, and I don't think you can really appreciate the highs of the feeling until you've sunk to the depths of its absence. In fact, I think the absence is still love. Love can have a negative or a positive existence, but it's all love, and all part of celebrating the human experience. (There's also a full-band version of this song that is equally good, but in a different ways)
Feb 14, 2024

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go see ur family, eat some mexican food, and RUN
17h ago
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i first bought a film camera at an antique shop last summer and i immediately fell in love with it. despite the cost of film and development, i love it so much more than most cameras. i grew up accidentally collecting cameras from thrift stores and my mom’s friends, including one of the very first popular models of polaroid camera! when i bought the film, the man who owned the store gave me some free 18-exposure (i think ?) film. when i got the film developed, i realized that there was this blue hue to the photos. i am not sure why and didnt think to google it but for whatever reason, the next set of developed photos had that same hue, but ONLY FOR THE FIRST 8 EXPOSURES i was so confused but i dont care honestly it looked good while it lasted
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