cinnamon roll or brown maple sugar oatmeal with: - slivered almonds* - walnuts - chia seeds - ground flax meal - berries šŸ“šŸ« *i recognize this is an allergy for you PS donā€™t ever buy apple cinnamon oatmeal, just trust me itā€™s NOT good

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my current breakfast is apple cinnamon oatmeal granola šŸ˜­
4d ago
@MARXINISTA hahahahahahahha omg ok that GRANOLA sounds good but apple cinnamon instant oatmeal is BAD
4d ago
@CHRONICWEBUSER i think that makes sense. i feel like once you dehydrate/dry a fruit you shouldnā€™t attempt to reverse the process
4d ago
@MARXINISTA omg yes exactly that!! and also thinking about it any dehydrated fruit is a bombbbbb addition to oatmeal *after* the cooking process šŸ˜†
4d ago

Related Recs

this is the best breakfast for when you a) feel a bit off or b) want some comfort: - mix a bowlful of rolled oats with sultanas and finely chopped dried peaches/apricots/pear/whatever takes your fancy... - soak in boiling water (i'm a milk avoidant) - top with grated apple and cinnamon or honey
2 servings 1. Get a big bowl night before you wanna enjoy 2. pour in one cup of steel cut or rolled oats 3. Add sweetener, milk (soy milk supremacy!!!), 2 tbs ground flax, pinch of salt and whatever flavor elements you want until only slightly gloopy (I like a chunky oatmeal) SWEETENERS: black strap molasses for iron and that deep richness or maple syrup for classic breakfast goodness. ripe banana works too!! FLAVORS: šŸ«mashed banana, frozen blubs, cinnamon mixed in for a classic. top with peanut butter & maple syrup and whatever fresh fruit youā€™ve got. šŸ‹ been loving a lemon vibeā€” lemon zest, lemon juice, maple syrup and top with more maple, walnuts & hemp seeds. šŸ„•Also been fucking with a carrot cake vibeā€” grated carrot cake, nutmeg, cinnamon, ginger. 4. Pop in your fridge and microwave in the morning. Stir after a minute and keep going till it looks hot and like a THICK muffin/oatmeal 5. Top as recommended or desired šŸ«¶ šŸ„£
Feb 9, 2024

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do yā€™all ever think about getting off social media but then you worry about how youā€™ll keep in touch with your friends? iā€™ve been thinking about this a lot bc i wanna delete ig but itā€™s where i talk to some of my rly close friends. i hate that it monopolizes connection like that. but i also had this realization that like the people i follow/follow me on ig are not ā€œfriendsā€ theyā€™re just superficial connections. real, deep, long meaningful relationships (which iā€™m craving) i think do require me to get the fuck offline and take the time i was mindlessly scrolling and putting it back into myself or my friends is where iā€™ll see the greatest positive feedback. and being PRESENT in those relationships. i feel like this is what that book the dopamine generation is about butttttt havenā€™t read it yet.
Feb 4, 2025
could be sooooo many different reasons that this happens everybody is different but ultimately we want the same thing. connection and feeling wanted. thereā€™s also people who canā€™t be alone, sometimes this is referred to as codependency lmao! some people just want a physical distraction to keep them from ruminating on their break up. weā€™re all a little twisted!
i yearn to find someone who finds beauty in the mundane like ā€¦. look at that weird shadow, the gleam of the sun today, this song iā€™m really excited about, my everyday oatmeal (peaseant porridge) šŸ„£ šŸ« training your mind body soul to find the present and stay there, thatā€™s mind over matter, itā€™s magic, can you do magic?
I care about where people get their matcha lattes !! even if itā€™s in a small town or a whole other country that i will never get the chance to visit. i love a pretty OR crappy picture of a drink, and any additional little details even more too, like if they make it as sweet as youā€™d like it, or you have a crush on the barista, or you have a bizarre backstory attached to it, or they have a special seasonal flavor you wait all year forā€¦ i think the perhaps seemingly mundane stuff on here is great !! :)