Get a cheap point and shoot and just record little corners of your life. Revel in the quotidian beauty of it all. Enjoy where you are right now, and let these photos serve as a tender reflection of where you have been and how far you have come
@CELINE thank you!! They are pine wood boards from Home Depot with tracking and brackets. Two of my friends helped me install them otherwise I wouldn’t have had a clue lol ❤️
It has been a common thread for me for over a decade, through difficult, wonderful, and uncertain times. It’s often how I process and reflect on things, and knowing there’s a physical archive I can pass on someday carries me through it all.
What @LNDSYsaid.
Experiencing moments past on film makes everything feel weighted and special. There’s something super tactile about it. Like here we are, just after getting our marriage license with this silly big heart sculpture in Vegas. Could be 2024 could be 2004. Who knows who cares.
My mom makes fun of me for this, but I actually think it’s a lovely way to live in the moment when you’re with friends!!! No retakes, no fixating on perfection. Plus when you look back on them you get to be like “oh yeah!! I remember taking that pic!!!” The lack of instant gratification is good for my overanalyzing 💕
I’m on an instagram break plus I like you guys more so please enjoy this painting I am proud of. Referencing Bosch‘s garden of earthly delights, specifically the third “Hell” panel ❤️🔥 acrylic and gouache on raw canvas!