I am very struck by this film. I think the performances are stellar. Unflinching, mean, and cruel at times. Also, messy and cliche, but I love it. There is something to be said about this poster, too. I totally see why others might not feel the same, though. Definitely of its time. Even so, wow. This is my Mike Nichols' pick, tbh.
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Clive Owen supremacy πŸ§Žβ€β™€οΈπŸ§Žβ€β™€οΈ pretty sure one of my first recs was ab him
5d ago

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My favorite of the handful of movies I watched this week. No frills, no effects, not 2+ hours longβ€”just a very human story told exceptionally well. Stunning, heartbreaking. This is ACTING!
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brilliant. beautiful and funny and heartwrenching and silly and all around fantastic. the more i think about this movie the more i love it. tells an unconventional tale of self-confidence, self-sabotage, regret and jealousy, etc etc the ending was a bit silly but i can look past it lol. what a fantastic cast and fantastic production. they frame things throughout as if it were to look like a stage production only for that to be the eventual main plot point. one of my favorite scenes (if not films) of the year
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i absolutely adore looking at people's handwriting, legible or not. i love neat script and i love chicken scratch. it is personal and intimate because it's your own but also something you picked up along the way from all those around you! the ways i've written f's, g's, a's, and so on have changed over time from observing other people's neat ways to write them. it is so beautiful to be able to recognize someone's handwriting tbh bc it means handwriting holds so much personality. if it's hard to read, i don't care. i'll ask you what it says. i'll pick up the nuances of your handwritten alphabet.
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the frenzy of it all, to be tardy by just a few seconds. a shared oopsy shrug. a room full of laughter and love for the new year anyway. ringing up a friend, kissing loved ones on their cheeks. first hugs of the year. two flutes of champagne. scattered fireworks in the neighborhood. no frown on anybody's faces. tonight, everything is warm and hopeful and light. we are so lucky to have this new day, this new life. wishing you all a beautiful and kind 2025.
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Gives you a little more clarity and makes self-improvement less daunting. These sensations, tactile or mental, lets you pay attention to your body, your needs, and meeting such needs. It's a specific action that encourages you to be kinder and gentler to yourself, to take your time. You can do this in baby steps-- smell the fresh, warm laundry and recognize the care you put in to give yourself something nice and clean to wear, hug a friend a little tighter and longer after a really nice day together, write down a song lyric that speaks to you and explain why it does, cry a little louder when you're especially sad.. don't deny yourself emotion! Feeling all of these minute details of your everyday life will remind you of your core values and guide you to what activities and other things you can invest yourself in to make your life more than it was before.
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