what could be better? the rush of battle, the warmth of blood, the taste of victory. your opponent lies still in a slurry of blood, sweat, and mud. the world is a little better off than it was mere moments ago.
tried reading dante alighieri’s inferno. key emphasis on tried. i got bored and realised a story written in poem form is not my typa beat.
i tried because it seemed like what all the indie hipsters who are well versed would read, and that i would look cool and niche—but it just cost me $25.
i prefer crazy detailed paragraphs rather than a line by line story.
saying “i’m sick” when you’re sick is boring.
instead, here are some more funky fresh and cool ways to disclose that your immune system has been highjacked (it’s time to revive these sayings from the dead!):
“i am indisposed”
“i am taken ill”
“i am feeling out of sorts”
“i am suffering from a bilious attack”
“i have been seized by an ague”
“i am afflicted with a malaise”
“i have taken to my bed”
“the vapours have overcome me”
“i have a touch of the influenza”
“the rheumatism plagues me”
“i am laid low with a fever”
“i am afflicted with a troublesome ailment”
you’re welcome