he is a large man and his carhartt workwear coats absolutely swallow me whole. makes me feel like his little girl again, stomping around behind him while he shows me his latest gadget.
i got it when i was 15, right before they blew up, so was extremely proud of it.
ive worn it so much over the past 5 years it’s become part of my identity, infact a guy i dated even made a joke about it being sewn to my skin (#backhanded 🥲)
since then ive bought a different coat but she does still come back for old times sake every now and then.
My ex kinda-girlfriend found this for me on a goodwill trip. I change out the pins often. It’s thin enough that I can easily layer my elaborate outfits underneath but bulky and long enough that I feel put together and warm. LOVE THIS SHIT!
even if shit continues to hit the fan, pretty much everyone ends up exactly where they’re supposed to be. you will find a place to live, a job, a lover, friends, etc. just keep going and it will be ok.